Switch Side
For OS6 (N-Series)
You do create a default account via the console line
console(config)# username admin password yourpassword console(config)# enable password yourpassword
Set a management ip, using the OOB.
console(config)# username admin password yourpassword console(config)# enable password yourpassword console(config)# interface out-of-band console(conf-if)# ip address xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx ip.of.your.gw console(conf-if)# exit console(config)# ip ssh server
and enable ssh server
console(config)# ip ssh server
For OS9
Adding an account
OS9(conf)#username ansible password xxxx privilege 15
Set a management ip
OS9(conf)#interface managementethernet 0/0 OS9(conf-if-ma-0/0)#ip address xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/xx OS9(conf-if-ma-0/0)#no shutdown OS9(conf-if-ma-0/0)#exit
Enabling SSH
OS9(conf)#ip ssh server enable
Ansible use SSH to sent order, set rate limit to pretect againt “Ansible DDos”.
OS9(conf)#ip ssh connection-rate-limit 60
For OS10
By default account is (admin/admin), and ssh is enable
Prefered create a “ansible” account
OS10(config)# username ansible password ansiblepassword
Set a management ip
OS10(conf)#interface mgmt 1/1/1 OS10(conf-if-ma-1/1/1)#no ip dhcp OS10(conf-if-ma-1/1/1)#ip address xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/xx OS10(conf-if-ma-1/1/1)#no shutdown OS10(conf-if-ma-1/1/1)#exit OS10(conf)# do commit
First test with Ansible (some script exist on github). Download and check your setting
You can also find some extend scripts (building a clos fabric / Upgrade Switch…) all this exemple can be find on github.